St Mary’s Choir
The current St. Mary's Choir first came together in the 1980s when a parishioner, the late Irene Ashe, formed a group of singers for Sunday Mass. This soon became a regular commitment and some of that original group are still very much involved. In addition to Sunday Mass, we sing at the Glastonbury Care Home for three short annual services organised by Maggy Payne and we occasionally assist at weddings and funerals.
Most recently, the choir was invited to perform a selection of their repertoire in Glastonbury Abbey to a group of French visitors, as part of a celebration to commemorate the Abbey's twenty years of twinning with the Abbey of St. Pierre de Maillezais in the Vendée.
Our repertoire ranges from Plainchant through to modern and includes pieces especially written for St.Mary's.
Choir practice is usually on a Monday at 1.00pm in the church. We have an annual break throughout August.
For more details please contact Ann Parsons (choir leader) via the Parish Office.
As our church organist we are very fortunate to have Rupert St.John Webster, who came to St. Mary's in early 2021.