Sunday 7th September 2025

“Mary, Woman of Hope”

This year's pilgrimage will take place on Sunday, 7th September 2025 and will be centred around the theme of 'Mary, Woman of Hope', aligning with the Jubilee Year's theme of "Pilgrims of Hope." As well as the usual Rosary Procession around Glastonbury town centre in the afternoon, there will be an additional Procession in the morning to celebrate the Jubilee from the Abbey grounds to the top of Glastonbury Tor.

A shrine is traditionally a place of pilgrimage and reminds us, in an earthly way, of our spiritual journey of faith. Through baptism we embark on a road that is sometimes smooth, sometimes rough, but we do not journey alone.

As Christians we have our eyes firmly fixed upon the Kingdom of God as revealed to us in Scripture and Tradition by Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The message of Our Lady, His Mother, is a simple one. In John 2:5 she points to her Son and says, "Do whatever He tells you". And so, it is in this shrine that we worship God and give honour to the Theotokos, the God-Bearer. She is a prototype of the Church in that she gives us an example of discipleship unparalleled in the history of salvation. She is humble and courageous, obedient and strong, maternal and virginal, constantly directing us towards her Son.

Father Kevin Knox-Lecky, Parish Priest 1999 - 2012

Programme for the Day





Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Silent Adoration & Sacrament of Reconciliation.




11.00am – 12.30pm (approx.)

Jubilee Procession to the top of the Tor (able-bodied only).

11.30am – 2.30pm

Private Healing Prayer at the tented Chapel of Healing.


Rosary Procession from the Abbey, through Glastonbury Town Centre, returning to the Abbey via the Magdalene Street Gate, opposite the Shrine Church.


Mass in the Abbey celebrated by Rt. Rev. Bosco MacDonald, Bishop of Clifton.

Car parking

As well as the municipal car parks pilgrims can use the Glastonbury Event Car Park, ‘Herbie’s Field’. This is a large car park that can accommodate up to 400 cars, including minibuses. The car park is only a short 12-minute walk to the Shrine Church and the Pilgrims’ Entrance to the Abbey Grounds.

Drivers may wish to drop off pilgrims outside the Shrine before parking. The car park is located on Northload Bridge on the B3151 close to the Northload Bridge roundabout on the A39, opposite the Glastonbury Reclamation Centre. Set your sat-nav to BA6 9LE. The what3words location is: ///target.loafing.sticky.

There is a pedestrian crossing on the A39 right by the roundabout. The car park will open at 9:30am on the morning of 7th September and the gates will be closed and locked at 5:30pm.

We kindly request a donation of £5 per car and £10 for minibuses (Cash only, please, as we will not have card payment facilities at the car park.)