Healing Ministry
Healing Ministry here at the Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury was first introduced by Father Kevin Knox-Lecky when he was Parish Priest here in the year 2000. His wishes were that we continue this very special ministry making it available to all who visit the Shrine and with Father Dominic's continued support we have been able to do this.
The ministry is carried out with Healing Masses during the year and each Saturday morning from 10.30 am to 11.00 am individual healing prayer is available in the Sacred Heart Chapel given by the Shrine Healing Team in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Home visits can be arranged if there is a difficulty in attending the Church.
Prayer requests via our Shrine Petition Prayers can be written and then prayed for either at one of the Healing Masses or during our separate prayer sessions.
The next Healing Mass is on Friday 7 June 2024 at 7.00 pm at the Shrine with our Mass of Healing by Candle-Light on Friday 18th October 2024 at 7 pm.
Please feel free to contact the Shrine if you wish for further information.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel