8 - 9 February 2025
Celebration of those in the Police, Military and Security Services
The Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Security Personnel will be held from Saturday, February 8, to Sunday, February 9, 2025. Recently, Pope Francis addressed participants in the 64th International Military Pilgrimage at the French Marian Shrine of Lourdes. Entrusting to God's mercy all of their comrades-in-arms who died serving their countries and defending peace, Pope Francis urged Catholic members of the military to let their faith inform their service: "The world needs you, especially at this dark moment in our history. We need men and women of faith who are capable of putting weapons at the service of peace and brotherhood." The Pope also emphasized the need for quiet time for spiritual discernment that will allow military personnel to reaffirm with hope their vocation in prayer: "This spiritual pause at Lourdes is a time to rethink your military vocation from the perspective of faith, and of the love that every Christian must cultivate towards his brother, even his enemy." In addition, Pope Francis urged members of the military to renew their commitment to the transformative Word of God: "Be military men and women who stand tall and proud to honour your uniform, your motto and your homeland, but who are also aware that you are part of a single human family, a family that is divided and wounded, but which Christ came to redeem and save through the power of love, not the violence 1 of arms.” The 65th International Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place in Lourdes from May 16 -18, 2025. This pilgrimage is a unique occasion for service personnel to come together in uniform while participating in a series of national and international events. In a sense, they act as ambassadors for their country and their service, engaging with senior political, military and ecclesiastical figures from across the world. For application to this pilgrimage contact the Knights of Columbus at lourdes@kofc.org; you have to be a part of a nation’s delegation in order to participate in this pilgrimage. For more information and videos of past pilgrimages, visit: The International Military Pilgrimage Diocese to the French Armed Forces (dioceseauxarmees.fr).
Military & Police Saints:
St. Michael the Archangel (feast day September 29), patron of the military in general. Being an archangel, St. Michael is particularly honoured by the Air Force and airborne divisions of the ground troops. Army paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg, NC, complete the “St. Michael’s Jump” every year in honour of their patron saint. Army
St. Sebastian (c. AD 255 - c. AD 288, feast day January 20), a Christian Roman soldier who became a captain in the Praetorian Guard, the emperor’s personal bodyguard. When Emperor Diocletian discovered Sebastian’s faith, he ordered him to be pierced with arrows, but incredibly, this did not kill him. Sebastian returned to challenge the emperor for his cruelty to the Christians, at which point he was cudgelled to death.
St. George (3rd century - 303, feast day April 23), patron saint of England and Catalonia. When George was old enough, he was welcomed into Diocletian's army. On February 24, 303 A.D., Diocletian, who hated Christians, announced that every Christian the army passed would be arrested and every other soldier should offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods. George refused to abide by Diocletian’s order. Diocletian ordered George's execution. In preparation for his death, George gave his money to the poor and was sent to be tortured. On April 23, 303 A.D., George was decapitated, and his body was sent to Lydda for burial.
St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431, feast day May 30), patron saint of France and soldiers. St. Joan of Arc is one of the heroines of France and is revered as a holy person for her faithfulness and courage, which she displayed in battle, but even more acutely in her trial and execution.
St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556, feast day July 31), founder of the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola was a former soldier from Spain. He founded the Jesuits in 1540 as an effort to counter the effects of the Protestant Reformation by the promotion and defence of the teachings and authority of the Church across Europe. Ignatius also developed his Spiritual Exercises, a model of prayer still used today. St. Maurice (3rd century AD – 287, feast day September 22), a Roman soldier from Egypt who eventually led the entire Theban Legion. He and his men were all Christians and were martyred together when they refused to worship the Roman gods. St. Maurice is particularly honoured by infantry units.
St. John of Capistrano (1386-1456, feast day October 23), Franciscan priest and patron saint of jurist and military chaplains.
St. Martin of Tours (316 or 336–397, feast day November 11), a patron saint of France, father of monasticism in Gaul, and the first great leader of Western monasticism. A conscientious objector who wanted to be a monk; a monk who was manoeuvred into being a bishop; a bishop who fought paganism as well as pleaded for mercy to heretics. St. Martin of Tours, one of the most popular of saints and one of the first not to be a martyr.
Marine Corps
St. Barbara (mid-3rd century - late-3rd century, feast day December 4), a virgin martyr and the patroness of both Army and Marine artillerymen. Her own father martyred her out of hatred for her Christian faith, and legend says that lightning struck him as divine punishment—hence the connection to artillery.
Air Force
St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663, feast day September 18), Franciscan priest and patron saint of aviators because of his habit of levitating during prayer. The life of this saint was marked by ecstasies and levitations. The people flocked to him in droves seeking help and advice in the confessional, and he assisted many in living a truly devout Christian life. However, this humble man had to endure many severe trials and terrible temptations throughout his life.
Our Lady of Loreto, also the patroness of aviation and air travellers, since it is said that the Holy House of Loreto—the Holy Family’s home—was carried by angels to Italy. Optional Memorial on December 10. Navy
St. Brendan the Navigator (5th-6th century, feast day May 16), an Irish monk who travelled by sea to spread the faith and monasticism in other lands. He is the hero of the early medieval legend The Voyage of St. Brendan, in which he and his companions embark on an epic sea adventure to find a promised land of the saints.
Prayer to One's Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom his love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. We humbly beseech God to command him, And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, By the divine power thrust into hell Satan And the other evil spirits who roam through the world Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer in Time of War
God our Father, Maker and lover of peace, To know you is to live, And to serve you is to reign. All our faith is in your saving help; Protect us from men of violence And keep us safe from weapons of hate. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Psalm 23 - The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I fear no evil;
For you are with me;
Your rod and your staff – they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.
Prayer for Military Chaplains
Heavenly Father, bless and protect Military Chaplains and fill them with the joy and courage of their vocation as personal ministers of Christ in preaching your word and nourishing us with the Sacraments. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Catholic Police Guild Prayer to St Michael.
Most Merciful God, giver of all authority, by the merits of Thy Divine Son and through the intercession of His Holy Mother and our glorious patron St. Michael, grant that we may this day and every day, overcome all temptations, especially to injustice and disloyalty, and with our minds inflamed by Thy Holy Spirit perform all our duties in such a manner as may be pleasing to Thy Divine Will, so that when called to report for the last time we may not be found wanting, and may be allowed to remain for ever in Thy Presence. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Prayer for our Armed Forces.
Let us pray for our brothers and sisters as they go forth with courage and determination to face the forces of violence, weapons of destruction and hearts filled with hate.
Deacon or Reader: For our Commander-In Chief, King Charles and our political and military leaders that they may tirelessly seek peaceful settlements to international disputes; we pray to the Lord:
That the Lord may preserve the members of our Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Air Force from all harm; we pray to the Lord:
That even in war, we may keep clearly before us the defence of all human rights, especially the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; we pray to the Lord. That the families, relatives and friends of our military members may be strengthened in this time of concern and anxiety; we pray to the Lord.
That the Lord may help families with men and women in the armed forces to cope with daily challenges in the absence of their loved ones; we pray to the Lord.
That our countries will be preserved from violence and terrorism; we pray to the Lord.
That the nations of the world will seek to work together in harmony and peace; we pray to the Lord.
That the hearts of all men and women will be moved to pursue true peace and justice; we pray to the Lord.
That violence may be overcome by peace; that weapons of destruction be transformed into tools of justice, and hate give way to true charity; we pray to the Lord.
That grateful for and inspired by those veterans who have given their lives for our country we may bravely face the challenges ahead; we pray to the Lord. Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Amen.
St. Patrick's Breastplate
May the strength of God guide me this day, and may his power preserve me.
May the wisdom of God instruct me; the eye of God watch over me; the ear of God hear me; the word of God give sweetness to my speech; the hand of God defend me; and may I follow the way of God.
Christ be with me, Christ before me, Christ be after me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ at my right hand, Christ at my left, Christ in the fort, Christ in the chariot, Christ in the ship, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me. Christ in every eye that sees me. Christ in every ear that hears me.