Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Fr Dominic’s Homily

Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. When someone has an “epiphany,” it means they’ve had a sudden inspired insight into the deeper meaning of something. It is an experience that changes our hearts.

So why is today’s feast called the Epiphany? Because it presents the reality that the Messiah was not just for the Jews, but is the fulfilment of the whole world.

All goodness, truth and beauty finds its deepest fulfillment in Jesus. The light shining in Israel and on that manger, is meant to be the light for the whole world. Jesus unveils his divinity as the one true king of the universe and saviour of the world.

So who were the Magi? They were, basically, the "scientists" of the ancient world. They studied philosophy, medicine, and the natural world - including the stars. They were astronomers and astrologers. Our word magic comes from it. They were wise men.

They weren’t actually kings but they usually worked for kings. A king would finance his own group of scholars and use them as consultants and translators to enhance his kingdom's reputation. King Herod had his own group of Magi.

Matthew himself in the Gospel does not describe these wise men as kings or tell us how many there were. It wasn’t until 500 years later that they were described as kings. But Matthew does mention their gifts of gold, frankincense and Myrrh.

  • Gold signifying kingship.

  • Frankincense implies divinity.

  • And myrrh implies his imminent suffering and death.

But these also signify that fact that Jesus was priest, prophet and king.

The Magi travelled 1000 km following this star to Jerusalem but assumed that the infant king would be born in royal palace and so meet Herod. He was a very paranoid king and killed anyone who was a threat to his regime. Remember that he killed his own wife and children as he was suspicious of them. He was a bit like an Old Testament version of Henry 8th.

Herod tries to find out where this new king will be born so he summons his own wise men. They tell him, quoting the prophet Micah, that the Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah which was only 10 km away from Jerusalem. It was a very specific prophesy.

Whether or not it was a real star we don’t know. There was probably a supernatural element about it. It’s very hard to use a star to navigate towards a specific location. A bit like trying to find the beginning and end of a rainbow. Some scholars think it was actually an angel that was directing them.

After being redirected to Bethlehem the Magi find Jesus in a manger in a stable and pay him homage. But they are warned in a dream not to return to Herod and so go home a different way.

As you know Bethlehem means the house of bread. Jesus as Eucharistic food for the world was laid in a manger which was a food trough for the animals.  

The point of today’s theme and all the prophesies is that eventually all people will be brought back to Jerusalem as the Mother city. The word metropolis means Mother City. Jesus wants us all to be drawn to the New Jerusalem.

That’s why these magi bring their gifts in honour. They actually represent the first people from different nations to come to the New Jerusalem.

And who do they give their gifts to? Not actually to Jesus because he is just a baby – but they give them to Mary. Why? Because Mary in her very self is the New Jerusalem in person. She is the metropolis. She is the Mother city of all nations. It is through her that the conversion of the whole world will start to come about.

We all seek God with our hearts in this life whether or not we know it. Our hearts long for him because we are designed for him.

Jesus came into the world for all people from all nations and not just a specific few. God’s salvation is offered for all. This is the real meaning of today’s epiphany.

And we must allow our hearts to be changed by these events.

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