Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fr Dominic’s Homily

Today we hear about the annunciation of Gods plan to Mary through the Angel Gabriel. This reading prepares us for the birth of Christ. We have Christmas because Mary says yes to Gods plan without having all the answers.

Mary was a young, humble woman chosen from all ages for this role. And who was Joseph? Well he was a poor carpenter and builder but also he was from the line of King David. He was actually a member of the royal family.

In the first reading we hear that King David wanted to build a house fitting for God to dwell in. But God promises King David even greater things that would be fulfilled in the fullness of time. What things?

• That David's name would be great

• That he would have a great Kingdom

• That King David's son would become Gods son

• That this kingdom will last forever.

After the Babylonian exile in 587 BC the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and the descendants of King David were scattered. A false king Herod was put on the throne and so for hundreds of year's people thought that God's promises made to King David through the prophet Nathan had been broken and forgotten. God had deserted his people. He had neglected them.

Then we have in the gospel this familiar story of the angel and Mary. And what does Gabriel say to her?

• That Mary will bear a son in the line of David

• Who will have a great kingdom

• Her son would be Gods son

• His reign will be everlasting.

These promises that people had thought had been forgotten about all this time are to be fulfilled through the royal line of David in the humility of Joseph and Mary. In other words God always keeps his promises! This is one of the major teachings of the Old Testament. God never abandons us. He always remembers us and he always fulfils his promises.

God not only fulfils his promises but he transcends them in ways that could never be imagined. This new king be a heavenly one rather than just earthly and saves us not just from our earthly and political enemies but from sin and death itself - our ultimate enemies. He provides not just an earthly kingdom that will endure for a few decades but a heavenly kingdom that will last forever

Thus the New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New.

How often in this life do we want to write our own story? We want to become the people we choose to be. We want to be in control and we don't want anything to restrict us. We want a kind of freedom but the danger is that by doing this we lose our sense of living and purpose.

So when we realise that we have been chosen from an outside source and our lives arc part of a greater plan like Mary did then that's when we really get a thirst to live.

John Henry Newman spoke about life being like a river. When you have firm banks on the sides then the river has life and energy purpose and direction. But if you remove those banks and restrictions in the name of so called worldly freedom then everything slows down and we become a lazy river. We lose that lack of purpose in life. We end up drifting.

God has a purpose and a role for each one ofus. Discovering what this is and surrendering to it is what makes life worth living. It gives us energy.

This is what happened to Mary. She doesn't fully understand her mission or is able to control it. But she surrenders to it and accepts her role in it. It gives her energy and purpose.

Let's wake up from our slumber, use the gifts that God has given us. Stop worrying about what we can't do but focus on what we can and above all trust in what God can do for us.

If we can say a heartfelt yes to Gods plan for us then even if we feel it's not in our control or we may not fully understand it, or there may be an element of suffering, our lives like Mary's will become lives of fervour, energy, purpose and joy.

Glastonbury Shrine