Ash Wednesday

Fr Dominic’s Homily

Today we mark ourselves with ashes as a sign of our humility in front of God and that we will return to him at some point. We came from him and we will return to him. And this should form how we live our short span of life in this world.

And lent is a time of fasting when we think about maybe giving something up or taking something on that is good. 6 weeks or just over 40 days. 40 having significance of spiritual preparation in the Desert in the scriptures. We allow ourselves to enter the desert a little.

Lent of course is the old English word for spring. Because we have the lengthening of days. And Lent is a time to remind us of our complete dependence on God and not on other things.

Today Jesus pointed to the heart of the matter. Why should we pray, fast, and give alms?  To draw attention to yourself so that others may notice and think highly of you? Or to give glory to God?

He encourages us to pray in private, to fast and to give alms in secret, without calling the attention of others. In this way, we can be sure we are doing it for the right reasons.

Those who make an outward show of piety or generosity “have already received their reward” in this world, and they store up no treasure in heaven.

Prayer purifies our intentions and opens our hearts to God. Fasting detaches us from our comfort and ourselves and so gives us the right disposition of heart.

Almsgiving reminds us that our true wealth is not in things, not in possessions, but in the Person of Jesus Christ.  

God invites us to purify our hearts and minds and to turn our intentions back to him. To remind us that we will find our true fulfilment in God alone. Not in creature comforts.

We actually have everything we need right here and right now to make us 100% happy as long as we rely on God. As humans it’s very difficult for us to see this.

Lent helps us to achieve this disposition of living fully in the present moment. And it is only in the present moment that God exists.

May we use this time of lent to prepare our hearts and minds well for Easter.

Glastonbury Shrine