Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr Dominic’s Homily

When reading the Gospel this week in relation to someone unfit to complain about the splinter in the others eye because he already has a bigger one in his own eye made me think of the argument we saw between Zelensky and Trump in the news recently. Can one blind man really teach and lead another?

Jesus is speaking to his disciples today in relation to spiritual blindness. He is telling them that we cannot judge or condemn others if we are not first aware of our own sinfulness.

Remember some of the saints – St Teresa of Liseux for example. She continually writes about her own sinfulness because she has a great spiritual awareness of herself. The more clearly you see God in your life the more aware you become of your own sinfulness. The more the light you let in the more you see the blemishes.

That’s why you often find that those who progress in their spiritual life change from 6 monthly confessions to monthly confessions. Sometimes even weekly. It’s not out of a kind of misplaced pride – rather it’s because they actually start seeing their souls more clearly. And decide to do something about it.

Jesus is the teacher he speaks about in the Gospel and he wants us to learn from him. He wants us to focus more on our own faults and weaknesses before we get busy trying to correct others. It’s how we learn humility.

We need to eliminate our own sins before we judge others or we run the risk of becoming hypocritical.

Sometimes you can see this in those who are newly converted. There is a danger of becoming very zealous and condemning all those around them because their spiritual pride has not yet been grounded and tempered by the mercy of spiritual wisdom. We’ve all done it. We look back and regret it.

Jesus goes on to speak about trees and their fruits. He often speaks about this.  A few days ago it was discovered that one of my trees here at the presbytery has some fungus growing out of it in various places. From the branches. Depending on what type of fungus it is it may mean that the tree will need some serious surgery. Because it is a sign of what may be a deeper problem within the tree. Luckily it doesn’t look too serious so the tree can be saved.

But in a way it’s a good analogy for what Jesus is saying. The words that come out of our mouths can be a sign of what is going on more deeply in our hearts. That’s why Jesus so often berates the sins of our words. The dangers of a sharp tongue. Even more than most other sins.

And that’s why there are so many problems with social media. People will say things without tempering them with their minds first. Without reflecting on their own lives. It results in antisocial media and all its related problems.

We can hate other peoples supposed sinfulness with a passion without even considering our own. We need to consider and temper what we think and say about others and show discretion before we speak. Because sometimes what we say cannot be unsaid.

Confucius has a wise saying in this respect. He says that remember that it’s always better that somebody wonders why you are not speaking rather than wondering why you are…

The first reading pre-empts and emphasises this message of Jesus and ties in nicely with it.  It reminds us that the test of a person is in their conversation. It betrays the authenticity of their hearts.

The psalm too. And it also reminds us that it is good habit to praise the name of the lord. Why is this? Because when we praise the Lord with our mouths this can have a kind of reverse effect on our hearts. So the more we praise the Lord the more our hearts will become conformed to this practise and so become more virtuous.

So perhaps the message for today is where are the faults and vices in our lives?

Instead of complaining about the bad fruit of others let’s first take a good look at our own hearts and perhaps do a little pruning where necessary!

Glastonbury Shrine