Men's Group Meeting - 27th August 2023

Retaking England’s Jerusalem

In our August meeting, the Men's Group listened to a fascinating talk from local historian Lilli Osborn, who explained in depth how Glastonbury had, in surprisingly recent times, become a place of paganism and the occult. Lilli explained how a bizarre sequence of influential characters and masonic links from the early 20th Century created the atmosphere we see today, despite the rich and profoundly Christian history that Glastonbury has.

The talk was followed by an open forum discussion, questioning how we as Catholics can begin to turn back this tide.

Our thanks to Lilli and all those present for an extremely instructive and enjoyable evening!

If you would like to hear Lilli’s talk and view the slides, please click the links below:

Talk: Lilli Osborn's Talk - Aug 2023

Slides: Retaking England's Jerusalem

Glastonbury Shrine