Our Lady of Sorrows

Fr Dominic’s Homily

Today is a Marian feast: “Our Lady of Sorrows.”

Mary had no particular love of pain and sorrow. The first announcement of her vocation by the Archangel Gabriel mentioned nothing about suffering. It was filled only with messianic promises.

However, soon after Jesus’ birth, Simeon said: “…and a sword will pierce your heart so that the thoughts of many might be revealed.”

Mary recognized the fulfilment of her calling in the accompanying of her Son during his crucifixion. She did so with a desire to fulfil God’s mysterious plan, not reluctantly, but standing closely to Jesus with all the sorrow that this involved.

The words Jesus speaks to his mother and his beloved disciple from the cross are equivalent to his last will and testament. He bequeaths what is most precious to him – his mother - to a beloved person whom he trusts – John.

To John, he gives his greatest human comfort, his mother who is his best disciple. He knows that she needs him, an adopted son, to comfort and accompany her.

To Mary, he gives the friend that he loves so much, who will also need her help in the difficulties he will face.

Incidentally this part of scripture puts pay to all those people who think that Mary had other children and that Jesus had real brothers and sisters rather than the true meaning of just cousins and extended family. For if he did then they would have been present at that point and Mary would have been looked after by them.

Jesus also entrusts his Mother to us. Who better than Mary to help lead us to her son?

Mary, be always at my side and intercede for me before God so that I may always persevere in following your Son.

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