The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Fr Dominic’s Homily

Today we honour the cross of Jesus which is really an instrument of torture. In Roman times it was one of the most horrific ways to die. It was the punishment for those who undermined the Roman authority.

It was a public display of Roman power to drive fear into the hearts of rebellious people. And of course it was brutal in only the way that the Romans knew how. In fact the word Excruciating means from the cross. So in this Feast of the Exaltation of - or the lifting up of-the Cross we remember in a special way this passion of Christ.

Christianity is not simply an abstract and spiritual religion. A choice of many options on a school timetable. It springs from God's direct intervention in the affairs of the world, a real historical event involving real people and, in the end, a real execution on a real cross. Take away that history - take away the Cross - and Christianity is nonsense.

Today we rejoice that something so terrible should have been transformed into a means of redemption for the whole human race. The instrument of Christ's death has become the instrument of our life. It has become the cross that saves rather than kills.

If Jesus had simply died and was buried then it would have meant nothing. So actually, of course, it's all about the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Through the cross He reconciles the word to himself. So the Cross is a triumph over sin and its right that we should celebrate.

We hear that on the Exodus journey Moses puts a bronze serpent on a pole, and raises it up. All the Israelites who have been bitten by snakes and look upon it are healed; they are saved from death.

Jesus says to Nicodemus "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life" As they looked up at the serpent for healing, so we look up at Christ so that he will heal our souls.

As the instrument of Christ's death has become the instrument of our life let us like the Israelites always remember to look up to that cross when we need the life giving help and healing of Jesus in our lives.

Glastonbury Shrine