Petitions to Our Lady of Glastonbury

Fr Kevin from Glastonbury

That our Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury may be a place of healing and serenity. May all who visit us here be led to Jesus.

Jeff LaLonde

Lord I pray you send me a godly wife. I have wandered the wilderness of aloneness for over 40 years of my life and have surely paid my dues of time waiting. I pray that you bring her into my life soon that I can exit this year as a married man. I pray Lord have mercy on me and my aloneness and send a helper in life, as Eve was sent for Adam, that I can have someone to share love with and have a family with. I pray that you send only one that would be most aligned and compatible with me, hand picked by you Lord as you know best. And I pray that this blessing be manifested out into this world surrounded with miracles, signs, and wonders and that my future wife and I meet in a most public way for all to see so that this blessing can be a testimony that you are a God of relationships and marriages and that this is a good and right part of life that you created and want us to have. Thank you Lord for this blessing in my life, and for being our Provider. Thank you in advance for such an amazing and beautiful future wife and and such an amazing meeting experience with her. Amen.

Brent Keith

For Whitten and Asher Keith, please pray for holiness, purity, prosperity, good health, protection, and their special intentions.

For Brent Keith, please pray for healing and good health, for the ability to purchase an historic home in Madison, Indiana near the river, and his special intentions.

Thank you.

A Visitor

Please can you pray for Ra* Him who is desperate for employment. Things are not going well for him and he really needs Our Lady's help. So we pray Dear Mother Mary for Ra' Him please can you help him in his hour of need. Thank you.


Private intention.

A Friend

Dear Mother Mary, can we please pray for a family who has been subjected to influences of an evil nature. Where a mother, Louise has been used to break up a well balanced lovely family, hurting herself, her children, her husband and mother and father-in-law.

Rose Kathy

I would like to find a new job so that I can get work done to my home, I am feeling overwhelmed and anxious and I pray that Mary can support me over the coming months. I appreciate the prayer, thank you.


Let us pray for my friend. He is Zhou Chumíng. He have Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy disease. Let us offer up to our dearest Blessed Virgin Mary asking Mother Mary to heal and help my friend Zhou Chumíng so that he can be getting better. Thank you.

Shrine Manager

Holy Mother, please intercede for your devoted daughter, Yvonne, who has suffered a stroke and has early onset of dementia, that she may be as well as possible and find strength and consolation from her faith again. Amen.


Praying for God's continuous protection and favours upon Onyebuchi Edeh, favours upon his life from his superiors. Financial stability on Ijeoma Okonkwo, international jobs connections and favours upon her too.


May my Mother General accept my request, financial stability, hot temper control, reconciliation with my family members and favours upon Emmanuel Edeh.

Julie Busch

Please pray for my mum Breda Flynn who is facing some health challenges at this time.


I am praying for the release of my brother Ikechukwu Okonkwo from prison, peace of mind for me, my mother, and my siblings.


Praying for peace of mind, spiritual and physical shock absorber for me, my mother and my brother. International connections, heavenly wisdom and knowledge, favours from my Superiors and release of Ikechukwu from the prison.

James and Charlotte

For our dear sister Augusta facing end stage cancer, we pray for a gentle release.


Freedom from doubt, fear and worry.


Please pray for my dad John who has just had a stroke. Please pray that he makes a good recovery and isn’t in pain.


Please pray for my original family and our difficulties and for my children out of their faith and copying the ways of the world. For the war in Gaza and Ukraine, please place these and the whole with Mother Mary Of Glastonbury. For all Aborted babies and for mothers who may change their, may these few mothers receive grace and courage to do so in such a fallen age. Amen.

Dominic Yingyos Teapthong

Pray for Dominic Yingyos. Teapthong remains undetectable even after having surgery to replace your lens due to posterior capsule opacity in the eye. God shows mercy.


Our Lady, I ask you fora a complete physical and emotional healing for myself. You also know all my worries, problems and struggles. Please, have mercy on me, and ask Jesus to provide what I lack, and grant me what I ask for. I also ask for a complete healing for a handicapped girl who lives nearby my home. Thank you for all the graces I will obtain thanks to your intercession. Amen.

The Richardsons

Prayers for the conversion of my family & repentance of all mortal sins. May they follow God’s will for having children & holy marriages. May we all be as holy as God intended for us to be. For God’s will in the outcome of the US election in November. For an end to abortion world wide and the exploitation of children. For an increase in priestly vocations. For all the Holy Souls in purgatory. For this and all the intentions, we pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer. Holy Mother pray for us.


Please pray for my brother in law Dave Griffiths diagnosed with a rare pelvic cancer. I pray he has the strength and is given the grace to cope with his treatment which starts on June 17th for 4-6 weeks. Mary Mother of God Pray for us. Amen.


Blessed Mother, I bring Sue to you, who has Leukaemia. She has dedicated her life to you through helping others, please ask your Father, through the grace of your Son and the power of the Holy Spirit to bring her healing to her of this awful affliction. Thank you, blessed Mother.

Ijeoma Okonkwo

My mother, please continue to intercede for my family. Help us to hear the voice of Ikechukwu Okonkwo from the prison soon.


Milagnor Escalante has asked for prayers for her severe rheumatic pain, a condition of the eyes and diabetes. She just wants to be well again and to live a pain free and fit life. We ask for Our Lady's intercession to bring healing for Milagnor.


Holy Mother, please help my daughter see that extreme right-wing view points and hatred of others is not the way forward … please let her see her own strength and that she does not need to change herself to be loved by another, that taking on hateful beliefs and other things which cause suffering is not how to make the world a better place … please let her see her own strengths and step away from the hate towards love …


Heavenly Mother we ask for prayers for Maria who is having to attend various hospital appointments. Please give her courage and comfort as she undergoes her treatment.


Lord, I want to pray for my girlfriend Pearl's health and strength while she is currently in hospital. Amen.


Please pray Im believed and for my parents to start getting on with each other again.


For Asher Keith and Brent Keith, please pray for healing and abundant good health. Thank you.


For a dear friend Jane to be given strength & guidance and to feel God’s loving presence and for all dear to her. For the soul of Louise Marie Collins Ned Thomas and all who mourn her.

Ruth Emma

Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Glastonbury, I ask for your support in lifting my anxieties and the heaviness from my heart. I ask for your prayers to support me in having the courage to live a life lead by Spirit and to have the confidence to take a leap to share my gifts, guided by you. Gratitude from my heart to yours. With love and humility.


Dear Mother Mary, please intercede for your beloved daughter, Rosemary, for peace, patience, strength and healing. "Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided". With confidence we ask. Bless you, Beloved Mother.


Good health in body mind and soul for Eric, Edward, Christine and Pauline. In accordance with the Will of God. With final perseverance in the Faith and good works.


Holy Mother please can you pray for my daughter and my grand-children who are struggling with serious disagreements which are causing upset within the home. Please pray that they can accept each others' differences with time.