Celebrating the Jubilee Year 2025

Following two years of preparation, which have focused on Vatican II and Prayer we are now invited to embark on a Jubilee Year as Pilgrims of Hope. This Jubilee Year reminds us of the ‘jubilee’ of Israel when the land was rested, and debts were to be cancelled, and God called people to be reconciled with one another and importantly with God’s self.

We, too, are called to be reconciled with one another, to proclaim God’s abundant mercy and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Within our Diocese, there will be plenty of opportunities for us to celebrate this Jubilee Year. In particular, our Cathedral Church of SS Peter and Paul will be open every day for Pilgrims to come and experience the ‘Pilgrims’ Way, within the Cathedral itself. This prayerful journey around the Cathedral will invite us to pray for hope in our lives and in our world.

On 5th April, ‘Embracing the Mercy of God’ will be an opportunity for the diocese to come together to celebrate the great Sacrament of Hope which we have been given in the form of Reconciliation.

Our diocesan day on 19th July will be a further opportunity for us to gather as a community to consider how we take this message of Hope to the world with activities for children and young people, we hope that many people will make the pilgrimage to Bristol for this joyful gathering.

Do look out for more information on these events as we go through the year. May the Jubilee Year unite us all in a Spirit of Hope and joy for the love we have for the Lord and long to share with those who have yet to hear the message we have been privileged to embrace. My prayers & best wishes,

Bosco, Bishop of Clifton

When is the Jubilee?

The Year will run from the opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica on Tuesday 24th December 2024 to the Solemnity of the Epiphany 2026.

Bishop Bosco will formally open the 2025 Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope in the diocese at the 11.15am Mass at Clifton Cathedral on 29th December. All are welcome to inaugurate this special year.

Indulgence for the Jubilee

To help us during the Year, a plenary indulgence can be gained not only by making a pilgrimage to a Jubilee church, but also by devotedly performing one of the acts prescribed by the Church.

Jubilee Churches in our diocese:

  • Cathedral Church of SS Peter & Paul, Clifton, Bristol

  • Our Lady St Mary of Glastonbury, Glastonbury, Somerset

Living as Pilgrims of Hope

We are all pilgrims on our journey towards the Lord. There are many opportunities to deepen our life of faith and relationship with God.

Pope Francis is also encouraging us to rediscover the ancient practice of pilgrimage during 2025. All are invited to join our diocesan pilgrimages, such as the Clifton Diocese Pilgrimage to Rome, with Bishop Bosco and Canon Christopher Whitehead, 27th September to 2nd October 2025, our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes and our Diocesan Glastonbury pilgrimage, which takes place on 7th September 2025.

Sharing Hope

We instinctively understand Jubilees to be celebrations of the good things that we share. And Jubilee Years are about the Good News!

Consider opportunities to share the unifying and liberating message of the Jubilee with parishioners, neighbours, schools, and the wider community. What special events or anniversaries are happening in 2025 that you can link to the Jubilee, and turn into extra-special celebrations?

For example, try to attend one of our annual diocesan Masses, such as the Mass for Marriage & Family Life, and the Chrism Mass. The Rite of Election which takes place at the Cathedral at 11am on 8th March is an excellent opportunity to share our Faith with those who are making a public commitment of their desire to join us in full Communion at the Easter Vigil. Your support for them by joining us on that occasion will be a great sign of Hope for each of them.

The Jubilee Icon

The Jubilee Icon has been brought to us from the people of Ethiopia. The Jubilee’s focus on justice is relevant to the production of this Ethiopian icon. The icon portrays Jesus faithfully in the Northern Ethiopian tradition. The Jubilee icon is touring the country during the Jubilee Year and will be in Clifton Diocese during the month of May. We encourage you to try to see it at one of the following venues:

28th-30th April: St John the Evangelist, Bath

1st-3rd May: St Nicholas of Tolentino, Bristol

4th-6th May: Holy Rood, Swindon

7th-9th May: Our Lady St Mary of Glastonbury

Glastonbury Shrine