Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fr Dominic’s Homily

How often in this life we want to write our own story. We want to become the person we choose to be. We want to be in control and we don’t want anything to restrict us.

We want a sense freedom to be who we want to be rather than having to conform to any regulations – regardless of if they happen to be right.

But the danger is that by doing this we actually lose our sense of living. By doing this we actually become closed in on ourselves – though we would never admit it! And actually that’s not true freedom but a distorted sense of license that we feel we are somehow entitled to.

In other words we don’t want to conform to other people’s views or rules or regulations. Why should I? After all isn’t this world all about me? Shouldn’t other just people conform to my ideas?

But when we realise that we have been chosen from an outside source and our lives are part of a greater plan rather than being all about me then that’s when we really start living for the first time.

Like the fast flowing river that experiences strong and trusted banks of truth rather than the weak boundaries of our own making. It gains purpose and direction.

Today we hear that Mary knows that she had been chosen by God and so went with purpose and direction to Judah, the hills surrounding Jerusalem to see her older cousin Elizabeth. 

She is travelling from Galilee which is lush, green and fertile country in the North down to the dryer South hill country which is rocky and barren countryside.

She travels with haste and stays from the 3rd to the 9th month to help her cousin. In other words she stays until the baby is born.

When Elizabeth greeted Mary and recognized the Messiah in Mary's womb she was filled with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist then leaps in his mother’s womb. Mary and Elisabeth are mediators between Jesus and John.

So why does Mary visit her cousin Elizabeth? To help her out in her final stages of pregnancy because remember that Elizabeth is an older woman by now. But also to share the good news of her own situation.

There is a great humility on behalf of Elizabeth. At that time younger cousins treated older cousins with respect. There was a culture of honour and shame. But here we see Elizabeth honouring Mary with gratitude as the Mother of her Lord.

Many people might complain that we Catholics give a misplaced honour to Mary. But here we see here in scripture that the Holy Spirit promotes this honour through Elizabeth. And we should always be careful when arguing against the Holy Spirit. When we honour Mary we are honouring her son.

She is the second Eve. When we partook of the fruit of the tree of good and evil we brought sin into the world through the first Eve. Now we partake of the fruit of the womb of Mary who as the second Eve brings an end to the destruction of sin through her son.

Mary was chosen from all ages for this role. To be chosen by God is a great privilege but also a responsibility. Mary received both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow. Her joy was not diminished by her sorrow because it was fuelled by her faith, hope, and trust in God and his promises.

God has a purpose and a role for each one of us. Discovering what this is and surrendering to it is what makes life worth living. It gives us energy, purpose and direction. It helps to form our river banks.

This is what happened to Mary. She doesn’t fully understand her mission or is able to control it. But she surrenders to it and accepts her role in it. It gives her energy and purpose.

If we can say a heartfelt yes to Gods plan for us then even if we feel it’s not in our control or we may not fully understand it, or there may be an element of suffering, our lives like Mary’s will become lives of fervour, energy, purpose and joy.

Glastonbury Shrine